Chinese translation for "indigenous law"
- 固有法
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | In colonial time the relationship between indigenous law of ghana and exotic western law was complex , after independence ghana inherited the legal heritage of the protectorate british and stressed on excavating the value of indigenous law , so the process of legal modernization is tortuous 殖民时期加纳本土法与外来的西方法之间关系错综复杂,独立后的加纳继承了宗主国英国的法律遗产,重视发掘固有习惯法的价值,其现代化历程可谓曲折发展。 | | 2. | The study of the development of legal culture of ghana , and especially the research of the complex relationship between indigenous law of ghana and british law in colonial time from the perspective of case law is one of the best samples to understand the historical transition of legal culture of african countries in further step 对加纳法文化的演进,特别是时殖民时期的加纳本土法与英国法的错综复杂的关系进行个案研究是进一步了解非洲国家法律文化历史变迁的一个极好范例。 |
- Similar Words:
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